As it stands, I am unable to work on my hack, Vanilla XL, for a year. This is because I am entering high school, and using a computer will completely ruin my school experience (I want a top-notch transcript: 4.53 grade average, every possible honor given). In spite of this, however, I refuse to quit hacking entirely. I will henceforth, surreptitiously and completely by iPhone, publish a blog on the subject. Don't expect regular updates; for example, next week I will be unable to post, due to a lack of a connection. However, I have lots to ponder on the subject, so I promise to be fruitful!
Right now, though, all I'm going to do is declare all of the tags I will be using. Currently I will make a theme of learning from existing masters of art, most notably van Gogh the Dutchman. I will draw your attention to notable paintings I picked up in the art galleries I've been to— I have a list! Once I've exhausted this, I'll mostly be publishing clever color combinations, flashes of insight, and the occasional graphics set (no telling how I'll do THAT). Oh, and Sonikku has asked me to show him the source of the level generator, which I never adequately demonstrated (due to it being an extremely tedious process). So, I might post improvements to it, once I unearth it.
Otherwise, I'm a mostly silent guy, so you'll have to make do with the loquaciousness in the comments!
So are you gonna comment or what.
VálaszTörlésI consider 12 a good day.